News from Atol Solutions

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Bahasi Orphanage needs your support & compassion


We have setup a campaign to get support & compassion for the BAHASI orphanage.

As it is closing in on Christmas and the holidays a perfect time to do our bit to help them and give them something to smile about in these dire times.

Please, please help - every little bit counts - so follow the link and give what you can miss! Your help is truly appreciated!!

Do Donate and view the good cause!

  3917 Hits

Client Site Upgrades Joomla 3 to Joomla 5


WE have started the project to migrate all Atol Solutions managed sites to Joomla 5. 

Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3.x are no longer supported. Joomla 3.10 finished the Security Support Phase. So time to migrate to Joomla 4 & 5.

Embracing Change:…Why Joomla 5’s Requirement for MySQL 8 is a Leap Forward

an interesting article.

This upgrade is lots of work as software suppliers have either decided to stop Joomla Development or stopped all together. This means sites need, replacemenent of template, convert K2 publishing to native Joomla content, replace K2 modules or alter source and much more.

Together with our Partners in India we started the project and sofar have finished 3 complex sites.

If you have a need for similar migration of your site, contact us.

  642 Hits

About Schagen

b2ap3_thumbnail_Coat_of_arms_of_Schagen_20130922-174043_1.pngSchagen has been mentioned in various texts from around 975. One of them was a population count that found that 43 people were living there. Schagen was also mentioned in documents as Scagha from around 989. At this time Schagen was a center of artificial dwelling hills. Perhaps the name refers to Scagha to its location above land water: it could mean "elevated point". Some time later, there is a coastline near Schagen. When the sea retreated again at the end of the 13th century the places in the region grew. The land around Schagen was especially fertile, so it grew and remained the main town in the area.



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  10346 Hits

SiteGround Reviews


Atol Solutions is an affiliate of the hoster Siteground and many of our clients run their website on this hoster. We and our clients are very pleased with their performance and support. For our clients we arrange for longer term contracts to take advantage of best pricing offered by Siteground. We provide services to take advantage of other parties in the marketplace, as we view hosting a commodity to run business again best performance and price.

Katie Holmes has done a review of Siteground with approx. 23 parties. She is the lead editor of OutwitTrade and an accomplished data analyst, writer and internet marketer. 

For the reviews click here!

  2149 Hits

How Can You Manage Access for Spiders, Crawlers and Other Bots on Your Website?


Every day your website is being visited by different bots, the majority of their visits are invisible to you even in Google Analytics, however, it doesn’t mean that the bots don’t visit your website. Your web server logs can help you with the visit statistics or you can install the CleanTalk Security Plugin so you can see all bot requests in your Security Firewall statistics including all types of bots. To learn more about the CleanTalk Security for websites, please go here:

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© CleanTalk, written by: Alexander Bezborodov

  2573 Hits